
Halotherapy Benefits

For thousands of years dating back to Eastern Europe, salt has been used to help alleviate a variety of health issues, improve the immune system, build respiratory health, and provide the ultimate detox of the airway and skin.

Clients breathe in the micro-sized salt particles, which are immediately transported to every part of the respiratory tract, even the smallest alveoli, and bronchioles. Then, the dry salt molecules dissolve and attract small impurities… the reason why it is called the “toothbrush of the lungs.”

Salt therapy may eliminate the root of inflammatory respiratory illnesses in the lower and the upper tract like asthma, bronchitis as well as allergies, by destroying bacteria and restoring health and immunity.


  1. Respiratory:
    • Anti-microbial, Anti-bacterial, Anti-viral, and Anti-inflammatory
    • Opens the bronchial tubes in the lungs; helps to reduce inflammation in the sinuses & small airways
    • Breaks up and clears mucus
    • Increases PH level – reduces acidity
  2. Skin:
    • Naturally triggers skin microcirculation and membrane activity
    • Enhances skin’s protective and reparative properties
    • Anti-microbial, Anti-bacterial
  3. Athletic Performance:
    • Expands the airways for increased lung functions and capacity
    • Enhances performance
    • Increases oxygen saturation and exchange
    • Helps with muscle endurance and recovery
  4. Ear Infection:
    Halotherapy can greatly relieve the swelling and pain that is common with an ear infection by penetrating the ear canal with salt particles. Salt, as an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, reduces the swelling of the tubes in your ear, allowing the fluid to drain.
  5. Stress Reduction and Improved Immune Health:

30 minutes of Halotherapy provides the same benefits as 2 & half days at the beach!

Halotherapy (Dry Salt) uses a Halogenerator to spread small, dry salt particles in the air. These smaller particles can penetrate deeper into the lungs. Deep penetration is essential for reducing inflammation and helping clear mucus from the lungs, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma or COPD.

Regarded as conventional healthcare, salt therapy is covered by health insurance in many European countries and Israel. For clinical studies and more information, visit Halotherapy Solution Research page or the Global Wellness Institute and the World Halotherapy Association.

Research – 2024 Halotherapy Solutions
Exploring Salt & Halotherapy Initiative Resources – Global Wellness Institute
Welcome – World Halotherapy Association